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LAA News September 2020

Thank you for your patience throughout this summer of uncertainty and compromise.

Looking ahead to the Autumn term we have a number of changes at the club we would like to share with you and we have briefly outlined the reasons below.

Firstly, if you do not wish to return for the Autumn term starting on w/c 7th September, please let us know immediately via email.


Group Sizes these be smaller than pre-COVID

It seems that coaches and athletes have enjoyed the smaller groups for similar reasons: focused coaching, more time to attend to each athlete and more opportunities to jump/throw with less members in a group. Previously registers had a maximum of 14 in each group, we will reduce this to 10. As many athletes often miss sessions it is likely there will be less than 10 in each group.

Pricing/Fees the term fee (£70) remains the same

Despite the drop in ratios per group we do not intend to pass the cost on to members.

Invoicingthis will be changed to half termly (£35)

Due to the precarious nature of COVID and potential local lockdowns, half termly invoicing allows for greater flexibility with the payments/refunds/credit notes etc.

Session daysMondays and Wednesdays remain. Saturdays are being withdrawn.

Mondays and Wednesdays will remain club training days. Mini and Junior sessions on Saturdays are being withdrawn. Specialist sessions for hurdlers, throwers and sprinters are still under review and members will be contacted in the next few weeks with the proposed changes.

Session durationMini/Junior/U13 sessions will change to 60 minutes

To simplify the overall club structure Mini/Junior/U13 Academies sessions will be 60 minutes throughout the year. Coaches have also realised that shorter sessions make them more efficient and dynamic. Session structure will remain the same with athletes practicing events per session.

Session times - **CHANGE TO START TIMES**

Mondays & Wednesday

Mini/Junior/U13 5.15-6.15pm

Junior/U13 6.30-7.30pm

Teen Academy 6.30-8pm (no change)

If you are currently signed up to a 4.45pm or 5pm session you will automatically be transferred to the 5.15pm registers. If you are currently signed up to 6.30pm there is no change other than an earlier finish time for Juniors and U13 academies.

If you need to request a change to your session day or time for whatever reason, please get in touch as soon as possible.


Welfare Officer

We are looking to fill the role of Welfare Officer for the club and would be grateful for any parent who may be interested to get in touch with Head Coach Rachel Berney, to discuss what is involved before committing to take the role.

Please contact:

Rachel m. 07904 644568 or email

Thank you for your continued commitment and support.

The LAA Team

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wow great!


Leamington Athletics Academy (LAA) is a multi-event athletics club affiliated with England Athletics. As an Athletics club in Leamington and Warwick, we train athletes aged 4 – 18 in all track and field events. LAA is an inclusive athletics club for all abilitities and disabilities incuding cerebal palsy. Leamington Athletics Club. Leamington Athletics. Athletics Club in Leamington. Warwick Athletics. Athletics club in Warwick. Warwickshire athletics. Central Warwickshire Primary School athletics. Cross Country. CWPXC. Secondary School Athletics. Diability Athletics. CP Athletics. Cerebal Palsy Athletics. CP Athletics Day. England Athletics Clubs. Find an athletics club. Edmondscote Athletics Track. Edmondscote Athletics Track Compeitions. Edmondscote Athletics Track Parking. TCF. The Compeition Finder. Athletics Competitions. Find a Compeition. Athletics Track, Leamington Spa, CV32 6AD

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