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Unlocking the Winter Training Secrets: Building a Strong Foundation for Athletes

Teen Winter Training

As winter settles in, the need for a strong training foundation increases for our athletes. With the half term now behind us, it's the perfect moment to concentrate our efforts on effective winter training.

In the next six weeks, we will concentrate on building general fitness and strength for all our teen academy athletes.

Teen's training sessions will begin with a conditioning workout where athletes will engage in exercises like circuit training, to build strength and endurance. After the workout, they will then do some runs, for cardiovascular fitness.

This approach serves an important purpose: creating a solid base from which we can develop speed and refine techniques in the upcoming training phases.


Mini / Junior / U13 Training

Our Mini, Junior, and U13 athletes, training will integrate speed and endurance workouts.

We will alternate between run-based training and fun games, keeping the young athletes engaged while working diligently on their fitness levels.



Indoor Open Meets

If you are interested in competing at an indoor Open (60m sprint, 60mHurdles, shot, long/triple jump) then please take a look at the Loughborough Uni open meetings and get in touch so we can support you.

We encourage all U13 + athletes to try these events, to help give a focus for training across winter, as well as help track your progress and motivate you in training.

Cross Country

West Midlands League

5 races  - Sundays across winter.

Race all or any, representing Kenilworth Runners, our XC partnership club.

School year 5-13

Warwickshire County XC Championship

To join TeamLAA at the County cross-country championships for School Year 5-13, on 14th December, please contact Team Manager Nikki Golding - click HERE


Our New Booking System

At LAA we have spent half term focusing on ensuring a seamless transition to our new booking system, making your experience smoother and more user-friendly. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

We have also updated our Codes of Conduct, behaviour procedure and club Constitution. All of these can now be found in the Welfare section of our website.

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Leamington Athletics Academy (LAA) is a multi-event athletics club affiliated with England Athletics. As an Athletics club in Leamington and Warwick, we train athletes aged 4 – 18 in all track and field events. LAA is an inclusive athletics club for all abilitities and disabilities incuding cerebal palsy. Leamington Athletics Club. Leamington Athletics. Athletics Club in Leamington. Warwick Athletics. Athletics club in Warwick. Warwickshire athletics. Central Warwickshire Primary School athletics. Cross Country. CWPXC. Secondary School Athletics. Diability Athletics. CP Athletics. Cerebal Palsy Athletics. CP Athletics Day. England Athletics Clubs. Find an athletics club. Edmondscote Athletics Track. Edmondscote Athletics Track Compeitions. Edmondscote Athletics Track Parking. TCF. The Compeition Finder. Athletics Competitions. Find a Compeition. Athletics Track, Leamington Spa, CV32 6AD

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