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LAA Record Breakers

The festive season is here, and as we look back on a successful year, we are filled with gratitude for our dedicated members.

Club Record Holders

Each year we update our club records and this year we have 4 new boys records and 7 new girls records.

As we are a relatively new club we sometimes get a brand new record in an event in which no one represented LAA before. For a full list of Club records click HERE

CONGRATULATIONS to all those below who broke an LAA club record in 2024

(The athletics year is from 1st October - 30th September).


Jacob Smith - 1500m

Alkis Pierides - 600m

Andre Onyekwe - high jump

Greg Walker - javelin


Emily Divers - 75m, 100m, 150m

Heynee LaHore - long jump

Annabel Waters - 200m

Olivia Bull - 1500m

Tammy Moss - Javelin

Phoebe Clark - 60m indoors


Daisy Golding - 3,000m

Events Early in 2025

Save the dates below in your calendars and come and take part. LAA coaches will be at each event to help you enjoy the fun and the friendly challenge of competition.

Parkrun Leamington: 4th January Newbold Comyn

Junior Parkrun Warwick: 5th January, The Racecourse

West Mids CrossCountry: 12th January, Wolverhampton

Indoor 60m/60mH: 1st February, Loughborough Uni

If you need more information or support in entering these events, simply get in touch.

Wishing You A Merry Christmas

With excitement for the future, we look forward to seeing you at track soon.

Here’s to a healthy and happy 2025!

Wide angle view of a snowy park ready for Christmas celebrations

We hope the coming year is filled with health, happiness, and countless opportunities for our athletes to shine.

Thank you for being a part of the LAA family.

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Leamington Athletics Academy (LAA) is a multi-event athletics club affiliated with England Athletics. As an Athletics club in Leamington and Warwick, we train athletes aged 4 – 18 in all track and field events. LAA is an inclusive athletics club for all abilitities and disabilities incuding cerebal palsy. Leamington Athletics Club. Leamington Athletics. Athletics Club in Leamington. Warwick Athletics. Athletics club in Warwick. Warwickshire athletics. Central Warwickshire Primary School athletics. Cross Country. CWPXC. Secondary School Athletics. Diability Athletics. CP Athletics. Cerebal Palsy Athletics. CP Athletics Day. England Athletics Clubs. Find an athletics club. Edmondscote Athletics Track. Edmondscote Athletics Track Compeitions. Edmondscote Athletics Track Parking. TCF. The Compeition Finder. Athletics Competitions. Find a Compeition. Athletics Track, Leamington Spa, CV32 6AD

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